Saturday, March 11, 2017

All I Really Need

Could you happen to be looking for a funny one-act for your high school/middle school acting troupe? Well, this is a relatively new one that I wrote. It is a sequel to the popular All I Really Need to Know I Learned by Being in a Bad Play. That play is easily one of my most popular plays.

Here is the synopsis:

Look out, our band of lovable yet impossibly inept thespians are onstage again in All I Really Need to Know I Learned by Being in a Bad Murder Mystery. Last time, we saw our collection of bad actors and actresses in All I Really Need to Know I Learned by Being in a Bad Play. In that comic disaster, they butchered Romeo and Juliet, performing the timeless classic by Shakespeare in a Starbucks while wearing potato sacks and bowler hats. This time, our terrible troupe takes on the genre that will not die—the murder mystery! Follow along—if you dare—as our misguided performers attempt to nail down those devilish British accents, understand what a red herring is, and figure out how to die onstage without looking all gross and stuff. Meanwhile, the director and stage manager, who really love dealing with the egomaniacs and lunatics in the cast, wouldn't really try to murder someone during the murder mystery. Would they?! Chaos rules the day as time is running out for cast and crew to sort out this mess. Safe to say, you will never look at a whodunit the same way again as All I Really Need to Know I Learned by Being in a Bad Murder Mystery brings up the curtain on bad accents, murder and laughs.

Here is the link should you be interested in buying a copy.

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